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Publication in 72 hours: How do we do it?
You can get your article published within 72 hours only after the following conditions are met:
— Óour manuscript has successfully passed the mandatory online test of the degree of originality (we use the online systems "Anti-Plagiarism" and "Anti-Rewrite" - see here for details);
— Your manuscript (full text, abstract, metadata, and reference apparatus) successfully underwent a technical review on compliance with the requirements of the journal. Our technical editors pay special attention to the List of references. In particular, they monitor that the List of references consists only of those publications and sources that are directly related to your paper and were used in it, and the references to your own articles are appropriate and justified.
— Your manuscript successfully passed the "double-blind" peer-reviewing, and the reviewers recommended your paper to publish (see here for details).
— Your manuscript, taking into account the peer-reviewers' opinion, was recommended for publication by the Editorial Board.

Although the publisher uses modern online technologies, it is clear that all the mentioned processes take time. So we recommend the authors, who need an extra-fast publication of research results, take into account in planning that the preliminary editorial work with your article can take up to several weeks.

If your manuscript has successfully passed all the preliminary checks, and the Journal's Editorial Board considered it appropriate to publish, you can use the paid service "Extra-fast publication (72 hours)." It means that the approved and accepted to publish article will appear on the Internet page of the future issue of the journal, which is in the process of forming, no later than 72 hours from the date of receipt of your payment to the account of the publisher. The full text of your article, with metadata (including exact page numbering and the DOI), will be available to all readers, without any restrictions (in open access).

After the journal issue is finally formed and signed to publishing, the metadata of your article placed on the journal web-page in an extra-fast term will remain unchanged.

The authors often ask us if they chose the service "Extra-fast publication (72 hours)", will it affect the quality of the checks?

The answer is no!

If the article does not meet the standards of academic publications, it will be rejected and cannot apply for renegotiation.

Information on the results of the article negotiations, including the recommendation of peer-reviewers, is stored in the digital archive of the publishing house indefinitely and can be provided at the official request of the authors or the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.